Singing Guide: All Time Low

Singing Guide: All Time Low

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

All Time Low is a pop-punk band that has been active since 2003. To learn how to sing like the lead singer Alex Gaskarth, one must first understand his unique vocal technique, which includes a mix of chesty, gritty vocals with the occasional use of falsetto. Many of All Time Low's songs also incorporate a lot of vocal runs and harmonies.

To emulate Alex Gaskarth's vocal style, it's important to master breathing techniques. Singing Carrots offers several resources that can help with this such as articles on "Breathing Basics", "Breath Support", and "Respiration".

Another important aspect of learning to sing like Alex Gaskarth is mastering vocal control. Singing Carrots provides resources for vocal warm-ups which are an effective way to train your vocal cords for more rigorous singing. Videos on the website explain everything from humming techniques to articulation, chest voice, voice breaks, mixed voice, voice registers onsets-offsets and sustain vocal. The "Farinelli Breathing" exercise video can be particularly helpful for practicing breathing control.

To further get into the artist's style, Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test and vocal range test are excellent tools to establish the vocal range of Alex Gaskarth. Once the range is determined, Singing Carrots' song search tool can help find songs that match the singer's vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference. Vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers can also be found on the website's "Artist vocal ranges" page.

To truly understand Alex Gaskarth's unique vocal style, it is essential to study All Time Low's music. Some of their most popular songs include "Dear Maria, Count Me In", "Weightless", and "Remembering Sunday".

By focusing on breathing techniques, vocal control, and studying All Time Low's music, aspiring singers can emulate Alex Gaskarth's vocals. Singing Carrots provides excellent educational resources for all of these aspects to help you achieve your vocal goals.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.